Other Places to Buy Lora's work and videos
Some of the finest selections of Lora's work can be found in galleries nationwide. Follow the links below to see the unique, elegant pieces available.

New Work available NOW
See a lovely selection of Lora's work at In Tandem Gallery located in Bakersville, NC specializing in unique contemporary ceramics.

Available at the Bascom shop
New work available at The Bascom Shop in Highlands, NC

Pushing the Clay Demonstration video
Purchase a one hour video with Lora demonstrating her unique texture process decorating a mug, attaching a handle and sharing glazing tips. Available through The Ceramic School.

Quinlan Visual Arts Center
The beautiful undulated rim of this COPPER BLUE FLORAL VASE is an exceptional example of Lora's soda fired work available in the Gift Shop at Quinlan Visual Arts Center, Gainesville, GA.